
Sanctuary Scholarships – study English at University College Cork

UCC’s Language Centre offers scholarships on courses each year that will directly or indirectly have a positive impact on the educational or career prospects of asylum seekers and refugees living in the Cork area.

Academic & General English Scholarships 

Scholarship: one year’s free tuition. Students will have full support and access to services within UCC.

The course in 2024-25 will run from the 26th August 2024 to the 13th June 2025. The application deadline is the 1st August 2024.

Interviews will take place between the 12th August 2024 and the 23rd August 2024.

Six scholarships – 3x General English, 3x Academic English. Each scholarship consists of 20 hours per week of English language tuition. Classes are held from 9.00 – 13.00, Monday to Friday.

Applicants must complete an application form and if shortlisted will be invited to an informal interview and English language assessment.

Applications are welcomed from asylum seekers and refugees whose status in Ireland has not been determined and who are not eligible for typical social welfare entitlements.

Check out the UCC Language Centre’s website for further information, including  application forms, IT requirements, eligibility, and information on interviews.

Please send the completed application form to infolang@ucc.ie and sally.orren@ucc.ie

If you need help with your application, please email brij@gmail.com or speak to us when we visit your centre.

Business & Professional English Scholarships

UCC Language Centre is delighted to offer 6 full-time sanctuary scholarship places for the course Business and Professional English.

The course runs from Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 13:00 on UCC campus from the 1st to the 19th July 2024.

Those who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate and a report on their English language level.

Eligible applicants will:

  • be a refugee or asylum seeker resident in the Cork area
  • demonstrate at interview an English language level of B2 or higher

Those interested are invited to attend on Tuesday 25 June at 5pm for interview and language assessment in Room G38 in UCC O’Rahilly Building.

For further information, see UCC Language Centre website. 

NOTE: UCC also offers Sanctuary Scholarships for selected undergraduate courses and ACE Adult Continuing Education courses.